If you are having a problem with the Blancco Mobile Drive Eraser, and the most common troubleshooting tips and user manual instructions do not seem to help, it is time to contact Blancco's Technical Support team. When contacting Technical Support, it is important to include the Blancco Mobile Device Eraser issue report in the contact ticket. It is recommended that the issue report file should be zipped before adding it as an attachment.

To collect the issue report:

1. If possible, restart the BMDE machine, and log in.

2. Connect the problematic device to the machine.

3. For Android devices only: Double click the device icon to open the device detail window and enable "Device debug log".

4. Try to replicate the issue, e.g., start erasure process, start diagnostics process, etc.

5. Collect a screenshot of the error message(s) and anything you think is important by pressing CTRL+P key, these will be automatically packaged with the issue report data.

6. Connect a USB memory stick to the computer, which must have been formatted to FAT32 format.

7. Click the "Report Issue" button on the top right corner.

8. Select the USB memory device from the "Select media" list.

9. It is recommended to use the default issue report name, but it is fine to add more details to the file name (for example if you are sending more than one issue report).

10. Select the issue type using the menu provided

11. If the device the issue was replicated with is still connected select it from the Occurs with menu, this aids in identifying the relevant entries in the issue report that need to be reviewed

12. Select the status the device was in at the time of the issue using the Device state menu

13. Enter a description of the problem in the "Problem Description" field.

14. Click "Save" to save the report on a USB stick.

In addition to collecting the issue report, there should a description of the technical issue included in the support ticket:

  • What is the exact problem?
  • Was there some specific error message?
  • What steps were taken before the problem occurred?
  • Expected result and actual result.

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