To update your existing Blancco File Eraser configuration to work with the Blancco Management Portal follow step provided below.

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Blancco Removable Media EraserN/A


This page will provide step by step instructions on how to update communication settings for Blancco Removable Media Eraser.

Valid communication settings are required for report sending and may be required for license consumption as well.

Step by step instructions

This chapter contains instructions how to update the existing configuration with Blancco Management Portal details to allow future license consumption and report sending to Management Portal.

  1. Run the Removable Media Eraser application.
  2. Open "Settings" and then "Management Console Setup".
  3. Navigate to "Configuration" tab.
  4. Update "Server address" with your Management Portal erasure client endpoint followed by colon and the port. Note that for Removable Media Eraser the "https://" prefix is required.

    Erasure client endpoint is region specific, to find out your endpoint follow the steps provided here: How to confirm your Blancco Management Portal erasure client endpoint details?

  5. Update your "User name" and "Password" with your new Management Portal credentials.
  6. Click "Save"