Blancco Erasure Software Tools are software tools that are used with the erasure products.
- Drive Eraser Image Configuration Tool / Blancco 5 Configuration Tool: For configuring Blancco Drive Eraser and Blancco 5 Erasure Software ISO image files.
- PreInstall: For creating an MSI package that contains a Blancco Erasure Software ISO file inside. The MSI file can be executed in Windows based environments to launch the erasure. Compatible with Blancco Drive Eraser and Blancco 5 ISO image files.
- USB Creator: For creating bootable USB sticks using the Blancco Erasure Software ISO image files: Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5, Blancco 4 and Blancco Mobile Device Eraser / Blancco 5 Mobile.
- HASP Tool: For activating HASP license code files and reading HASP dongle license and battery data.
- Blancco 4 Image Configuration Tool: For configuring Blancco 4 Erasure Software ISO image files.
Drive Eraser Configuration Tool / Blancco 5 Configuration Tool:
Blancco 4 Configuration Tool:
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