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These general instructions can be used to install a new SSL certificate on a BMC server, please note that when exporting/generating the certificate for use with the BMC the private key needs to be included along with the full certificate chain.


Check current certificate from BMC Keystore:

keytool -list -v -keystore “C:\Program Files\Blancco\Blancco Management Console\apache-tomcat\conf\keystore.jks”

Using the Java keytool.exe, you can follow the steps below to install a new SSL certificate on your BMC server.

Run commands on Command Prompt which is opened with administrator privileges

Step 1: Stop the BMC service.

Step 2: Create the new keystore/keypair.

keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity #of days -dname "cn=domain name, ou=yourOrgUnit , o=yourOrgOrCompany, l=City/locality, st=State/Canton/Province/Land, c=Country_ISO3166-digraph" -alias "domain name"

ValidityNumber of days how long keystore is valid.365
CNCommon NameThis is fully qualified domain name that you wish to secure
oOrganization NameUsually the legal name of a company or entity and should include any suffixes such as Ltd., Inc., or Corp. Example Inc
OUOrganizational UnitInternal organization department/division name IT
lLocalityTown, city, village, etc. name Helsinki
stStateProvince, region, county or stateNorth Karelia
cCountryThe two-letter ISO code for the country where your organization is located FI

(Optional - if "subject alternative name (SAN)" needs to be used):

keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -ext san=dns:Name1,dns:Name2 -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity #of days -dname "cn=domain name, ou=yourOrgUnit , o=yourOrgOrCompany, l=City/locality, st=State/Canton/Province/Land, c=Country_ISO3166-digraph" -alias "domain name"

Step 3: Create a new CSR, Certificate Signing Request, for your new keystore/keypair.

keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -certreq -alias domain_name -file "path_to\filename.csr"

(Optional - if "subject alternative name (SAN)" needs to be used):

keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -ext san=dns:Name1,dns:Name2 -certreq -alias domain_name -file "path_to\filename.csr"

Step 4: Send the CSR to a CA (Certificate Authority) to create the new certificate, this can be either an internal CA if one is available or a trusted third party CA.

Step 5: Import the Root CA cert, then the Intermediate CA cert.

keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -importcert -alias rootCA -file "path_to\root.cer"
keytool -keystore "path_to\keystore_name.jks" -importcert -alias intCA -file "path_to\int.cer"

Step 5: Import CA-signed certificate and apply the same to the keypair.

keytool -keystore path_to\keystore_name.jks -importcert -alias original_keypair_alias -file path_to\CAsigned.cer

Step 6: Update the "keystoreFile" and "keystorePass" values in the server.xml file located under "C:\Program Files\Blancco\Blancco Management Console\apache-tomcat\conf" to reflect any changes associated with key/cert.

keystoreFile="path_to\keystore_name.jks" keystorePass="keystore password"

Step 7: Start the BMC service.

  1. Stop BMC Service
  2. Copy .pfx format certificate file to "\Blancco Management Console\apache-tomcat\conf" folder.
  3. Open server.xml file in text editor located \Blancco Management Console\apache-tomcat\conf and edit following details.
    1. keystoreFile="Certificate_name.pfx"
    2. keystorePass="PFX_certificate_Password"
    3. Add a new value keystoreType="PKCS12" after KeystorePass.
  4. Save the server.xml file.
  5. Start BMC Service.