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Management Console - All versions
Blancco Cloud



This page provides steps to create a summary report for the defined Blancco reports.

Summary report provides a fast way to understand outcomes for the larger batch of erasures listing only selected information and not the full report for each processed asset. 

Note that summary reporting feature is intended to be used specifically with Drive Eraser reports and there are report fields available on other erasure reports which may not be supported on the summary report (no value shown in summary report even if it exists on the original report). 

Step by step instructions

Follow the below steps to generate a consolidated summary report.

  1. Log into the Blancco Management Console and navigate into the Reporting tab.
  2. Select a view from which the reports should be exported from. 

    Only reports matching the filters of the view will be included (PDF format summary report limits amount of reports included to 1000 reports).

    Additionally PDF summary report will include the columns listed in the view. To customize columns for the PDF summary report a dedicated custom view can be created to achieve this.

  3. Select reports to be included in the summary report.
    1. Selecting "Export All" includes all report from the selected view.
    2. If only certain reports within the view should be included manually select the checkbox next to the corresponding reports and select "Export". Below example shows 2 out of the 4 reports selected meaning only those two reports are included in the summary.
  4. After selecting an option, export dialog is presented. Under "Report format" dropdown select "Summary PDF" or "Summary CSV".
    1. "Summary PDF" only allows report mode to be changed.

    2. "Summary CSV" allows configuring details such as the separators used in the csv, report mode and the columns included. If "Custom columns" is selected under the "Column selection" a full list of all available columns is presented and user can select the ones they want to see in the exported report.

  5. To export the configured report select "OK".
  6. For smaller data sets the summary report is generated instantly and the file can be saved. For a larger queries the export takes some time and below notification is shown. Once export is completed you can download the generated file under the "Notifications" menu from the top of the screen.