If the following settings are configured, the erasure will start and Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5 will not attempt the Freeze Lock Removal:

  1. Load Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5 ISO image using the Drive Eraser Configuration Tool.
  2. Open Security tab
  3. Open the OS tab.
  4. Save Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5 image

Check Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5 Configuration Tool user manual for more information on the different erasure standards and booting options.

Note that, since version 5.10.0, the settings “Hidden area removal”, “Remapped sectors erasure” and “Enforce Blancco SSD method for SSDs” can be accessed directly from the Blancco Drive Eraser / Blancco 5 user interface (Erasure-step, Advanced-view, Erasure options).