There is on-going issue with multiple Lenovo machines equipped with NVMe drives where the erasure fails due to failing firmware erasure commands. The root cause of this issue is a security feature enabled within Lenovo's firmware which prevent executing the required erasure commands successfully. This being the case, the issue occurs in all versions of Blancco Drive Eraser.

This issue have been identified at least on the following machines:

As this issue prevents Blancco from running the firmware erasure commands, Purge-level erasure cannot be achieved when erasing the drive on its original host machine. Clear-level erasure result can be achieved with the traditional overwriting. If Purge-level result is required, the NMVe drive should be erased by connecting it to another host machines which allows Blancco software to execute needed firmware based erasure commands.

Blancco is investigating the issue with Lenovo. If you are experiencing this issue, please submit a new support ticket with the details of the affected machines and issue reports from the machines.