Drive Eraser 6.6.0 / Drive Eraser Configuration Tool 2.5.0 - Release notes


Due to its new report digital signature, the Blancco Drive Eraser 6.6.0 is not compatible with the Blancco Management Console 4.7.1 or lower (report importing and sending will fail consistently).

  • If you are using a local BMC and want to upgrade to BDE 6.6.0, please upgrade first to BMC 4.8.0 or higher.
  • If you are using the Blancco Cloud and want to upgrade to BDE 6.6.0, please wait until December 24 before importing or sending your reports to the Cloud.
  • BDE 6.6.0 has the same hardware support than BDE 6.5.2; you can still use v6.5.2 in Production during the time you need to migrate to BMC 4.8.0.
  • The BMC 4.8.0 is fully compatible with BDE 6.6.0 as well as with older BDE releases (< 6.6.0).
  • Digital Signature has been removed from the Fingerprint


Bug fixes/Improvements:

Known issues & Recommendations: