
Running an erasure for an asset equipped with Liteon CV5-8Q256-HP SATA SSD fails when using Blancco SSD method as the erasure method.

This issue has been identified for the following machines (with Liteon CV5-8Q256-HP drive):

The erasure report states error similar to the example below:


The issue have been identified as a problem with disk firmware executing required firmware based erasure commands.


As a workaround this disk can be erased using other erasure standards (such as NIST 800-88 Clear) which uses different set of firmware commands which are better supported by the drive. Running the erasure with "NIST 800-88 Clear" will lead to a "Clear"-level erasure which will protect against non-invasive data recovery methods.

Alternatively, the erasure can be successfully run by using an erasure method/settings which doesn't utilize any firmware based erasure commands (for example Aperiodic Random Overwrite).