Important: Due to a new report digital signature, the Blancco Drive Eraser releases v6.6.0 and higher are not compatible with the Blancco Management Console 4.7.1 or lower (report importing and sending will fail consistently).

  • If you are using a local BMC and want to upgrade to BDE 6.6.0 or higher, please upgrade first to BMC 4.8.0 or higher.
  • If you are using the Blancco Cloud, it is fully compatible with BDE 6.6.0 and higher.
  • The BMC 4.8.0 and higher are fully compatible with all BDE releases (< 6.6.0 and >= 6.6.0).

Highlighted features:

Improvements and bug fixes:

Please request the Detailed Release Notes from your Sales or Support Representative.