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When configuring an AD 外部認証の目的でAD (Active Directory) profile within the Blancco Management Console to use external authentication, if the "Secure Connection" option is selected additional steps are required to allow the authentication to be performed successfully over LDAPS (Lightweight プロファイルを作成する際、「Secure Connection」オプションを選択した場合はLDAPS (SSL経由のLightweight Directory Access Protocol over SSL) .対応のための追加作業が必要になります。

As the Management Console establishes a connection with LDAPS through JSSE Management ConsoleはLDAPSと接続を確立する際にJSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension) the truststore/keystore being used by the JSSE needs to contain a certificate signed by the CA (Certificate Authority) used to sign the LDAPS certificate. By default the Management Console uses the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) truststore, this truststore is located under <jreを使用するため、LDAPSサーバー証明書の署名に使用されたCA (認証局) 証明書をJSSEのトラストストアに追加しておく必要があります。Management Consoleがデフォルトで使用するのはJRE (Javaランタイム環境) のトラストストアであり、「<jre_dir>\lib\security and it's name is cacerts.

To allow the connection to the LDAPS to be secured the CA signed certificate needs to be imported to the cacerts truststore, to do this the command-line based keytool which comes with JRE needs to be used. A User manual for Windows is available, and separate one is for Solaris and Unix-based systems covering the use of the the keytool.



まず、cacertsトラストストアに含まれている証明書を確認するために次のコマンドを実行してください。To list all the certificates present in the cacerts truststore the following command should be run:

titleList all stored certificates
keytool -list -keystore "c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit

Here it is implied that JRE is located under このコマンド例では「c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151 folder, and that password for default truststore is changeit; this password is default for this truststore and might be changed if necessary.」がJREフォルダーであり、トラストストアのパスワードはデフォルトの「changeit」です。必要に応じてパスワードは変更してください。

認証局証明書をインポートするには、次のコマンドを実行してください。To import the certificate signed by the CA which issued the certificate for LDAPS, the following command should be executed:

titleImport certificate to truststore
keytool -importcert -file c:\somecert.cer -keystore "c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass changeit

インポートの後、変更を反映するためにBlancco Management Consoleサービスの再起動が必要です。その後、LDAPSによるADユーザーアカウント認証が可能になります。Following the successful import of the certificate into the truststore the Blancco Management Console service will need to be restarted. Once completed the authentication of AD user accounts over LDAPS will be possible.