Configuration is available only through file.
MC-5781 - Verification percentage in PDF reports.
Displays verification percentage used within the erasure results section of BDE, LUN and BRME reports.
Viewing reports in browser does not include the verification percentage, only in PDF exports.
MC-5637 - Drop group name unique constraint.
Group name uniqueness is not anymore restricted.
They must be named uniquely only in relation to their sibling.
MC-5778 - Erasure report notification in Two Way Communication.
Whenever MC receives an erasure report from job spec driven erasure client, the event will be notified to AMS.
MC-5714 - Elasticsearch availability for Standalone installations.
When enabled, Management Console will copy report data into Elasticsearch service and utilize it in report searches.
This will drastically decrease load in relational database side.
Upon installation there is an option to enable Elasticsearch feature. When enabled it is not possible to disable it anymore, unless a new installation is done.
It is recommended to enable it only if reports exceed millions to perform the search faster.
MC-5741 - Dropping MySQL support.
Dropping MySQL support from the installer.
MC 5.0 onwards installer does not offer MySQL as an option in the database selection.
In addition, this applies also to updates, i.e., old installations with MySQL database cannot anymore be updated to MC 5.0 or newer.
Known issues:
MC-5829 - Enable and fix report editing.
Report edits is disabled with 5.0 as we found minor issues.
Report edit feature will be enabled back with the 5.0.1 minor release by the end of April, 2019.
Blancco Management Console version 5.0 has been released!
Management Console 5.0 - Release notes
Highlighted features:
Known issues: